USAF Negative Number: 82382 AC NASM Videodisc Number: 4A?25943
AIRPLANES: FORMATIONS, FAIRCHILD OVER KOREA ?? These U.S. Air Force C?ll9 "Flying Boxcars" are not playfully buzzing a field as it might appear at first glance. They are on a routine resupply mission from Japan to forward Korean airfields, loaded with wing?tanks for Fifth Air Force "Satire" jets. They are practicing low?level formation flying essential when carrying paratroopers on a practice jump. 315th Air Division (Combat Cargo) aircraft have worked with the U.S. Army 187th Regimental Combat Team on two invasions of enemy territory, and on numerous practice maneuvers. These twin?engine, twin?boom C?119s are assigned to the veteran 314th Troop Carrier Group. April 1952.
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NASM Archives Division
United States Air Force
Pre?1954 Official Still Photograph Collection
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